That sound like my husband ! I have a Graco Snap and go, it's not supposed to be a double stroller but my 2-years-old loves standing on the edge of the basket, she faces the baby and it's easy to push. I also use a little bench with wheels that you can attach to the stroller, but it makes it more difficult to walk behind. Cecile
so true!!!
I saw a cool one a guy had at the park the other day from Valco baby. it was navy and orange. He said it wasn't cheap.
LOL he has a point
there's a really cool double stroller from Phil and Teds. of course it's very VERY expensive, sigh...
That sound like my husband !
I have a Graco Snap and go, it's not supposed to be a double stroller but my 2-years-old loves standing on the edge of the basket, she faces the baby and it's easy to push. I also use a little bench with wheels that you can attach to the stroller, but it makes it more difficult to walk behind.
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