Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Angel baby...

Angel baby My great grandmother (tilda's great-great grandmother) gave me this onesie after Annie was born. She told me that her children wore it when they were babies... 50 years ago! Unfortunately, Annie was already too chubby for this heirloom by the time it was given it to us. Luckily, Joe pulled this out of Tilda's drawer the other day. It fits her just perfectly! Maybe this was not a coincidence... Matilda is a much easier baby than Annie ever was. She naps in places other than our arms, she goes to sleep fairly easily at night, and rarely cries. I never used to believe people when they told me that their newborn slept all day. I thought they were either lying to themselves or had just forgotten how rough infanthood can be. Now, I too am one of "those" people. Of course, I loved Annie as a baby. She was the first, and I was wholly in love with her. But, as babies go, she was not easy. I found myself wishing us through her first few months, just willing her to nap! to sleep! to self-soothe! to grow up! With Tilda, I am in love with her littleness. She is just the best age... squishy and lovey and smiles and giggles. If she was sleeping through the night, I would try to keep her this age forever.


Lizzie G said...

Tilda looks great in her little wings! But your great grandma's babies were babies about 70 years ago, not 50!

Kristen said...

whoops, we've all gotten so old!